Celebrated performance artist of Cuba’s San Isidro Movement featured in Miami gallery
Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, Untitled, 2020,from the series “Puertas.” Charcoal on paper, 39 x 33 in. (Courtesy: Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara).
Consider these drawings as visual diary ent
Scott McLemee takes an early look at university press books coming this fall.
Looking over the university press titles coming in the fall, I find two distinctive clusters of books standing out as topical. In tune with recent news, they also bring up unfinished business from years past.
SWJ Book Review – Bullets Not Ballots: Success in Counterinsurgency Warfare
Jacqueline L. Hazelton, Bullets Not Ballots: Success in Counterinsurgency Warfare. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2021, [ISBN: 978-1501754784, Hardcover, E-Book: eISBN: 978-1-5017-5480-7, 220
Muralla cor Recoletos Sts. Intramuros, Manila 1002 P.O. BOX769
Monday through Saturdays 8am – 5pm
Now that Election Day is over, what do we do with the campaign materials that we still have at home – the tarps, comics, ballers, fans, t-shirts – or hanging in public places
People who work on business projects involving lots of documents will find GDoc Binder’s attractive graphics and robust annotation features worth the modest price.
People who work with friends, colleagues, or teams on projects requiring lots of documents have many ways to organize
School districts are racing to spend federal relief funds designed to help students catch up on learning they missed during the pandemic. But as states vet those spending plans with an eye toward potential federal audits down the road, some end up rejecting districts’ proposed investments or
By Aly Walansky — Written on Oct 19, 2019
Whether doing schoolwork, keeping a journal, or plotting tasks and to-do lists, notebooks are an important accessory to always have by your side. Where else would you keep all your thoughts and writing?
Of course, notebooks come in al
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The Monocle Book of the Nordics
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The Monocle Book of the Nordics
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Olympics Day 7 Notebook: The Underappreciated and Underrated Duncan Scott
The headline-grabbers at these Olympics wi