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Button closures are a special feature of Books by Mindy journals.
Hand stitching is a unique feature of Books by Mindy journals.
Mindy Pollack punches a hole in a journal cover for a cord closure at her home in Gui
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Vera Peltekian, who has worked on local-language hits 'Spiral' and 'The Returned,' will head up French original programming for the WarnerMedia streaming service.
The Returned TV Still - H
NGC 772 with its overdeveloped spiral arm. (Image credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA. Image processing: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage) J Miller (Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab), M Zamani & D de Martin)
The Gemini North Observatory has captured a
Born September 19, 1920, in New York City, Roger Angell liked to say that between himself and his father, Ernest Angell, born in 1889, they had witnessed nearly the entire history of Major League Baseball, founded in 1876. Despite a lifelong love for the game, Angell did not begin writing abou
ITC Limited, the diversified business conglomerate, is seeking to woo students with its wide range of innovative Classmate notebooks, including Pulse 3D range and Selfie cover books.
In the country’s market for notebooks estimated to be Rs 6,000 crore, ITC has a market share of about 2
Chris Brown has clapped back at a woman who claims that she was once kicked out of his presence for not being down for a random hook-up.
On Sunday (May 22), Chris Brown hit up his Instagram Story to let his 109 million followers know that a recent claim made by an unknown woman abou
The bustling newsroom’s phones were constantly ringing, the fax machine buzzing and everyone had their heads down thrashing on their keyboards to make the copy deadlines.
Immediately the senior news team took me under their wing to show me the ropes, taking me out with them to cover s
A swarm of 10 bright blue drones lifts off in a bamboo forest in China, then swerves its way between cluttered branches, bushes, and over uneven ground as it autonomously navigates the best flight path through the woods.
The experiment, led by scientists at Zhejiang University, evokes sc
He met Siobhan as usual but didn’t know how to say to her he had got the job believing that she had been disappointed. As they were parting Siobhan said she would see him tomorrow as usual and Domhnall awkwardly explained he wouldn’t be able to see her as he was starting work in the Journa
Unit 305 Bear Den collects books, pro boxers give tips to future champions | Journal Entries
Salvation Army NJ lists winners of “Star Search” contest
More than 200 young people from grade school to high school involved with The Salvation Army NJ Corps Music & Creative Arts